5 Most Haunted and Spooky Places in Kolkata


Kolkata, the city of Joy, the city of culture, or you may address this place as the former British India Capital. I spent almost two years out of the state. And I heard many times from other states’ people that Kolkata resembles Rosogolla, Durgapuja, Howrah Bridge, and so on. I feel proud in my heart every time they talk about these places. But, as we all know every glamor has its own dark secrets that have been buried in it by the time. 

Today I am going to talk about Kolkata's most haunted places that one is afraid of visiting in sunlight as well. Many folk tales are there in the air about these places and these are not my words or the stories made up by the locals. 

In this list the one that occupies the first place is,

National Library: During the British era this place was the residence of the Governor-General of that time. It is said that Lady Metcalfe was really fond of this place and was in love with the vast collection of books. The rumor goes around that people have heard the footsteps of Lady Metcalfe on the night of the full moon. Many people ardently believe that the spirit of Lady Metcalfe dwells in this historical place. Some elderly people say that an eerie sound comes from this Library very often and a woman in a gray dress walks into the corridor in this building. Many stories have been made up and rumors going on in the air of its surroundings although very little evidence is there that makes us believe in these stories.

In 2010, while that reconstruction was going on, a secret room was found without any door. Now next time when you visit this library make sure you are not alone.

South Park Street Cemetery: Cemetery? Yes, a 200-year-old cemetery holds the second spooky place on my list.

It was made by the British people back in 1767 to bury their dead soldiers since it is still there with a ton of mysterious stories. As it is situated alongside the main highway, pedestrians hear a lot of screaming in the evening. People who’ve visited this place in sunlight sometimes have heard an eerie sound from this place. As soon as we hear Graveyard, a cold shiver goes through our spines! Doesn’t it? I was there with my college buddies back in 2014. And I was dead-afraid at that time. In day time one who wants to check the rumors can go and check on their own. One common incident took place in everyone’s life. Whoever visited this place caught a dark shadow in their Camera. But these days without special permission no one is allowed to get in with their lenses. For its mesmerizing scenic greenery, this place has been used for many cinematography, among them, Gorosthane Sabdhan is the best film which starred Sabyasachee Chakraborty, our very own Feluda. 

Rabindra Sarobar Metro Station: One of the most visited metro stations in Kolkata, even the busiest one also. This Metro station has occupied a place in the list of the most haunted places in Kolkata. Daily passengers who take the last train from this metro station have been the witness of an eerie sound that comes and shadows that walk on the platform. According to the local people, a few laborers who were appointed to build these metro stations died during that time in an incident. Another group of people claims that many corporate sales executives committed suicide at this station. I was a daily passenger back in 2019-20. But wasn’t able to see any such things that can be called spooky.

Moving to the next and the most visited place in Kolkata,

Kidderpore Dock: As the name suggests, being a port it is one of the most visited and busiest places in the city. History says, when Wajid Ali shah was ditched by the British Government he came to this place

and constructed this port area. As Wajid Ali Shah was in love with this place, he couldn’t forget about this place after his death. Locals say he still comes to see his empire. Many traders and sailors have seen his shadow on the dockyard. I’ve never visited this. Next time after this pandemic I will obviously take a short trip to this place. Let’s see whether Nawab can be seen or not. 

Coming to the end of my haunted place list, I mustn’t forget about Ganger Ghat.

Banks of Ganges:  Undeparted souls of dead men roam around this place. No, I'm not kidding, most of the Banks of Ganges or Gangar Ghat have been used as burning ghat since long back, and these stories had started a never-ending growth. This place has a record of countless stories from murder to suicide. A lot of people say they’ve seen hands coming out from the water body seeking help and disappeared when one reached there to help. Next time when you visit this place for a fresh breeze, make sure you don't get into any trouble. It’s suggested one must avoid this place very early morning and late at night. As they say, spirits and soul come in their strongest forms in these times only.
